While aimed at vastly different audiences, Sandra Cisneros’s beloved coming-of-age story The House on Mango Street and Junot Díaz’s Pulitzer Prize-winning debut novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao both uniquely capture the complexities of navigating the hyphenated territory between their respective Mexican-American and Dominican-American identities. Cisneros engages readers with the simple yet profound narrative voice of Esperanza in a series of vignettes that subtly reveal a growing consciousness of her role as a young Mexican-American woman and her creative consciousness as an artist. Through the multifaceted narrative perspective of Yunior, Díaz skillfully weaves together “ghetto nerd” Oscar de León’s sexual frustrations, tragic h...
Sandra Cisneros is one of the most prominent writers of American and Hispanic literary world. Her su...
While the titular character of Oscar appears to be unequivocal hero of Junot Díaz's novel The Brief ...
Since the beginning of their history as British colonies, the United States have taken in a large nu...
While aimed at vastly different audiences, Sandra Cisneros’s beloved coming-of-age story The House o...
With the publication of the twenty-fifth anniversary editions of The House on Mango Street in 2009 ...
Having a dual identity is something that comes across in Sandra Cisneros’s The House on Mango Street...
Growing up in a Mexican-American community, Santra Cisneros, through the character of Esperanza, rev...
Everyone knows the story of the big brick house with the white picket fence and the quiet subdivisio...
Since the days of the conquistadors, erasure has been an inherent facet of Dominican identities. Sim...
Junot Diaz\u27s Pulitzer-Prize-Winning 2007 novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao explores Domi...
This essay explores Junot Díaz\u27s only full-length novel, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, th...
<p> “The people I wrote about were real, for the most part, from here and there, now and then, but s...
This paper examines how the use of fairytale allusions in Sandra Cisneros’ The House on Mango Street...
Junot Diaz’s Pulitzer-Prize-Winning 2007 novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao explores Dominic...
Los numerosos estudios que la novela de Sandra Cisneros "The House on Mango Street" ha generado tie...
Sandra Cisneros is one of the most prominent writers of American and Hispanic literary world. Her su...
While the titular character of Oscar appears to be unequivocal hero of Junot Díaz's novel The Brief ...
Since the beginning of their history as British colonies, the United States have taken in a large nu...
While aimed at vastly different audiences, Sandra Cisneros’s beloved coming-of-age story The House o...
With the publication of the twenty-fifth anniversary editions of The House on Mango Street in 2009 ...
Having a dual identity is something that comes across in Sandra Cisneros’s The House on Mango Street...
Growing up in a Mexican-American community, Santra Cisneros, through the character of Esperanza, rev...
Everyone knows the story of the big brick house with the white picket fence and the quiet subdivisio...
Since the days of the conquistadors, erasure has been an inherent facet of Dominican identities. Sim...
Junot Diaz\u27s Pulitzer-Prize-Winning 2007 novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao explores Domi...
This essay explores Junot Díaz\u27s only full-length novel, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, th...
<p> “The people I wrote about were real, for the most part, from here and there, now and then, but s...
This paper examines how the use of fairytale allusions in Sandra Cisneros’ The House on Mango Street...
Junot Diaz’s Pulitzer-Prize-Winning 2007 novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao explores Dominic...
Los numerosos estudios que la novela de Sandra Cisneros "The House on Mango Street" ha generado tie...
Sandra Cisneros is one of the most prominent writers of American and Hispanic literary world. Her su...
While the titular character of Oscar appears to be unequivocal hero of Junot Díaz's novel The Brief ...
Since the beginning of their history as British colonies, the United States have taken in a large nu...